Terms & Conditions

High quality supports to individuals of all ages

Terms & Conditions

The terms & conditions are directly related to support being provided to me under my National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plan. This support will be underpinned by the Objects and Principles set out in the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013.

The NDIA recommends having a written service agreement so participants and providers are clear about what each party has agreed to. Service agreements help make sure the participant and provider have the same expectations of what supports will be delivered and how they will be delivered. RMC Disability Services support people living with a disability to exercise choice and control in the pursuit of their goals and the planning and delivery of their supports.

Privacy and consent

RMC Disability Services will manage and ensure that we provide the participant access to services and supports that respect and protect their dignity and right to privacy and recognise the legal and human rights of each participant.

RMC Disability Services is committed to ensure the Privacy, Dignity and Confidentiality of all participants is upheld according to the:

  • NDIS Practice Standards/NIDS Code of Conduct
  • Australian Privacy Act (1988) and the Australian Privacy Principles
  • United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)

I consent to RMC Disability Services using, retaining, and disclosing information about me if deemed reasonable and necessary. I consent to RMC Disability Services sharing my contact details with relevant parties. I understand that I can withdraw consent at any time.

Service Provider Responsibilities

RMC Disability Services agrees to:

  • Support the individual needs of the participant.
  • Ensure the participant is aware of ‘choice and control’.
  • Communicate in a professional, respectful, and timely manner.
  • Treat the participant with dignity and respect.
  • Involve the participant in decisions related to their support needs.
  • Keep accurate case notes relating to the support provided to the participant.
  • Provide the participant with information on how to make a complaint if requested.
  • Listen to feedback provided by the participant and take appropriate action.
  • Uphold the participant’s right to privacy and confidentiality.
  • Provide the participant with 24 hours’ notice for any changes to scheduled meetings where possible.
  • Provide the participant with the required notice if needing to end the service agreement (refer to Changes to the Service Agreement).)
  •   Maintain qualifications and clearances relevant to services provided.
  • Provide support per relevant laws, including the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013.

Participant and/or Representative Responsibilities

The participant and/or representative agrees to:

  • Advise the provider how they wish to be supported.
  • Treat the provider with dignity and respect.
  • Provide feedback to the provider about the support provided.
  • Communicate with the provider about any concerns relating to the support provided.
  • Not engage in or perform illegal activities while receiving support from RMC Disability Services.
  • Provide RMC Disability Services with the required notice if needing to end the service agreement (refer to Changes to the Service Agreement).
  • Notify the provider immediately if there are any changes to the participant’s NDIS plan. 

Changes to the Terms & Conditions

If there are any changes required to the participant’s support needs or the delivery of support, both parties agree to discuss and review this service agreement as required. Any changes to this service agreement will be in writing, signed and dated by both parties. If either party chooses to end this service agreement, they must provide 2 weeks’ notice to the other party in writing. The requirement of notice will be waived if either party severely breaches this service agreement.

Cancellation of Services

Where possible ten (10) business days’ notice is preferred if you need to cancel, reschedule or cannot attend a scheduled appointment. If a cancellation of an appointment (or no show) with less than ten (10) clear business days occurs before the scheduled appointment, a cancellation fee can be charged at 100% of the scheduled fee that would have been payable for the appointment. This is in accordance with the NDIS Guidelines.

Complaints, Compliments and/or Suggestions

We appreciate and encourage customer feedback and use it to support our continuous improvement. If you have a complaint, compliment and/or a suggestion about the provision of supports for yourself by a member of our team, please contact us directly at RMC.

Jake – Phone: 0492 196 277

Email – admin@rmcdisability.com.au

If you are not satisfied with our response to your feedback, the NDIS Commission can be contacted by calling 1800 035 544 or visiting www.ndiscommission.gov.au for further information.


RMC Disability Services will seek payment for services provided. If the participant is Plan Managed, invoices will be sent to the relevant Plan Manager. If the participant is Self-Managed, invoices will be sent directly to the participant. Terms of payment are 14 days of receipt of the invoice.

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