Privacy & Dignity Policy
Policy Purpose
RMC Disability Services will manage and ensure that we provide the participant access to services and supports that respect and protect their dignity and right to privacy, and recognise the legal and human rights of each participant.
This policy applies to all staff at RMC Disabilities.
Policy Statement
RMC Disability Services is committed to ensure the Privacy, Dignity and Confidentiality of all participants is upheld according to the:
- NDIS Practice Standards/NIDS Code of Conduct
- Australian Privacy Act (1988) and the Australian Privacy Principles
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)
RMC Disability Services is committed to upholding the rights to privacy, dignity and confidentiality by:
- Providing clear information about what information is collected, where it is kept, how it may be used and who has access to it.
- Providing clear information about what information is collected, where it is kept, how it may be used and who has access to it.
- Supporting participants to access their personal information and make changes to their personal information.
- Provide policies and information using the language, mode of communication and terms that the participant prefers and is most likely to understand.
- Ensuring participants are informed of when information may be shared without their consent.
- Maintain participants records securely.
- Support participants to make their own decisions about their supports.
- Respect, protect and promote the personal privacy and dignity of each participant.